Plot: H-Hour: World's Elite is a tactical shooter video game, currently being developed by SOF Studios. The game released in early access for Microsoft Windows via Steam in May 2015. A version for the PlayStation 4 is planned to be released at a later date. Wikipedia
Plot: Aztez is a side-scrolling brawler, turn-based strategy video game by Team Colorblind. The player fights through areas within the Aztec empire prior to the Spanish invasion. Wikipedia
Plot: Final Horizon is a tower defense video game developed and published by British independent studio Eiconic Games for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita and distributed through PlayStation Network. It was released on December 4, 2014 in North America and December 5, 2014 in Europe and Australia. Wikipedia...
Plot: Doki-Doki Universe is a video game published and developed by HumaNature Studios for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita. The game is unique because it is essentially a large interactive personality test. Wikipedia