Plot: Megami Paradise is a role-playing game by NEC Home Electronics and released in 1994 on the PC Engine Super CD-Rom. A two-part OAV series was produced in 1995 by King Records, under their subdivision Starchild Records, and Studio Fantasia. Wikipedia
Plot: Princess Minerva is a role-playing video game developed and published by Riverhillsoft for the NEC PC-9801 in 1994 in Japan only. An original video animation by Group TAC was originally released by Toho in May 1995 in Japan; it was later released also in the United States. Wikipedia
Plot: Jewel BEM Hunter Lime is a Japanese PC game released in 1993. It was adapted to a 3-episode OVA released between 1996 and 1997. The OVAs were initially licensed by Media Blasters. It is currently licensed by Sentai Filmworks. Wikipedia