Plot: SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter, also titled SegaSonic Cosmo Fighter Galaxy Patrol, is a children's ride released in March 1993 as part of Sega's Wakuwaku line exclusively in Japan. The arcade ride is a shoot'em up featuring Sonic the Hedgehog in a red spaceship rescuing animal friends from Dr. Eggman in space...
Plot: Waku Waku Sonic Patrol Car is a children ride released in December 1991 exclusively in Japan. The arcade ride is part of Sega's Wakuwaku line and features Sonic the Hedgehog playing the role of a police officer, patrolling the streets of a city and keeping it safe from Dr. Eggman.
Plot: Sonic the Hedgehog's Gameworld is a game developed by Aspect Co. Ltd for the Sega Pico. It is a party game featuring Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles Tails Prower, Amy Rose, and Dr. Robotnik/Dr. Eggman, and features many different mini-games. It was released in Japan in August 1994.
Plot: Sonic Eraser is a video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series that was available to owners of the Sega Game Toshokan on Sega Mega Modem with Sega Meganet subscription. All the three aforementioned enhancements for the Sega Mega Drive are exclusively released in Japan..