Plot: Helldivers is a top-down shooter game developed by Arrowhead Game Studios and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. The game was released for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita with cross-play, on March 3, 2015 in North America and on March 4, 2015 in Europe, respectively. Wikipedia...
Plot: MotorStorm is a racing video game series developed by Evolution Studios, BigBig Studios, Virtuos and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. Wikipedia
Plot: LittleBigPlanet is a puzzle platform video game series created by British developer Media Molecule and published by Sony Computer Entertainment on multiple PlayStation platforms. Most games in the series put a strong emphasis on user-generated content and are based on the series' tagline Play, Create...
Plot: Warhawk is a multiplayer third-person shooter video game developed by Incognito Entertainment for the PlayStation 3. It is a remake of an aerial warfare game of the same name, which was an early title on the original PlayStation. Wikipedia
Plot: Mainichi Issho is a November 11, 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment online game for the PlayStation 3. It is based on the Doko Demo Issyo franchise, starring the video game character Toro who is the mascot for SCEJ. This game is exclusively for the Japanese market. Wikipedia
Plot: PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale is a 2012 crossover fighting video game developed by SuperBot Entertainment, in conjunction with Bluepoint Games, and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. Wikipedia
Plot: Weekly Toro Station is a video game developed by Bexide and Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable. It is the sequel to Mainichi Issho and was released on November 11, 2009 through the Japanese PlayStation Store. Wikipedia
Plot: Clannad is a Japanese visual novel developed by Key and released on April 28, 2004 for Windows. While both of Key's first two previous works, Kanon and Air, had been released first as adult games and then censored for the younger market, Clannad was released with a rating for all ages. Wikipedia
Plot: Killzone 2 is a 2009 first-person shooter developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 3. It is the second main installment in the Killzone series, following 2004's Killzone. Wikipedia