Plot: Snoopy's Silly Sports Spectacular!, known in Japan as Donald Duck and based on the British home computer game, Alternative World Games, is a child-oriented sports game that was released by Kemco for the Nintendo Entertainment System on September 22, 1988. Wikipedia
Plot: Snoopy Concert is the first Japan-exclusive action video game based on the Peanuts cartoon characters Snoopy licensed from Peanuts and United Feature Syndicate, which was released for the Super Famicom in 1995. Some English-patched ROM images has been released on the internet. Wikipedia
Plot: Snoopy vs. the Red Baron is a flight combat game released on the PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, and PC in 2006. As the name implies, the protagonist is Snoopy, the dog in Charles M. Schulz's comic strip, Peanuts. Wikipedia
Plot: Snoopy vs. the Red Baron is a flight combat game released on the PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, and PC in 2006. As the name implies, the protagonist is Snoopy, the dog in Charles M. Schulz's comic strip, Peanuts. Wikipedia
Plot: Snoopy Tennis is a Game & Watch video game released in 1982 by Nintendo. The game was very successful, perhaps due to the Snoopy label, with Nintendo producing an estimated 1,200,000 worldwide. In the game, you control Snoopy, moving him up and down to make him hit the oncoming tennis balls with your...
Plot: Snoopy Flying Ace is a dogfighting video game based on Charles M. Schulz's Peanuts franchise and developed by WildWorks for the Xbox Live Arcade service on the Xbox 360. It was announced on November 10, 2008 and released on June 2, 2010. Wikipedia