Plot: Sniper Fury is an online single player video game developed and published by Gameloft. The action of Sniper Fury takes place in the near future. Technological development and geopolitical changes rendered former methods of resolving conflicts obsolete. Wikipedia
Plot: Brothers in Arms 3: Sons of War is a 2014 World War II-era third-person shooter video game developed by Gameloft and published by Gameloft. It was released on December 17, 2014 for the iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Wikipedia
Plot: Six-Guns is an open-world action-adventure video game developed by Gameloft. It was released in 2011 for iOS devices, on March 17, 2012 for Android devices, and on September 4, 2013 for Microsoft Windows and Windows Phone. Wikipedia
Plot: Dead Trigger 2 is a zombie-themed first person survival horror video game developed and published by Madfinger Games. It was released for Android and iOS devices on October 23, 2013, and for Facebook on February 20, 2014. As with the original Dead Trigger, Dead Trigger 2 is a single-player zombie-themed...