Plot: Panel Action Bingo is a Game Boy action/adventure video game developed by Japanese studio Locus where the player controls a bird. It was released in November 1993 to an exclusively North American market. Wikipedia
Plot: Square Deal: The Game of Two Dimensional Poker is a video game developed by Hect for the Game Boy. The Japanese version serves as the sequel to the Family Computer game Cadillac. In 1999, Cadillac was also released for the PlayStation. Wikipedia
Plot: Snake Rattle 'n' Roll is a platform video game developed by Rare. It was published by Nintendo and released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in North America in July 1990 and in Europe on March 27, 1991. The game features two snakes, Rattle and Roll, as they make their way through eleven 3D isometric...
Plot: BATTLE PINGPONG is a Japanese table tennis video game developed and published by Quest for the Game Boy exclusively in Japan. It was released in Japan on August 31, 1990 and never saw a release in another territory, although the game was going to be published by Sammy in America. Wikipedia
Plot: Bill & Ted's Excellent Game Boy Adventure: A Bogus Journey! is an action-puzzle video game based on the Bill & Ted films released by Acclaim Entertainment for the Game Boy in 1991. Wikipedia