Plot: Dragomon Hunter was a free-to-play anime style MMORPG developed by X-Legend and published In Western European languages by Aeria Games. Dragomon Hunter launched its Closed Beta in North America and Europe in both English and French on October 15, 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Eden Eternal, also known as Finding Neverland Online, or Eternal Atlas The Refined FNO in Japan, is a free to play anime styled massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by X-Legend and published internationally in Western European languages by Aeria Games. The Open Beta was released...
Plot: Might and Magic Heroes Online is a free-to-play MMORPG released in September 2014, developed by Blue Byte. It is part of the Heroes of Might and Magic franchise. Wikipedia
Plot: Aura Kingdom, also known as Fantasy Frontier Online in Taiwan and Hong Kong and Innocent World in Japan, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game made by the Taiwanese game developer X-Legend. In Japan, it was originally called GensΕ Shin'iki. Wikipedia
Plot: TERA, also known as TERA Online, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Bluehole Studio. The game was released in South Korea on 25 January 2011, in North America on 1 May 2012, and in Europe on 3 May 2012, with closed and open beta tests taking place before the launch dates...
Plot: Aion: The Tower of Eternity is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released by NCSOFT. The game combines PvP and PvE in a fantasy game environment. As of May 20, 2009, Aion had 3.5 million subscribers in Asia. Wikipedia
Plot: Blade & Soul is a Korean fantasy martial-arts massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by NCSOFT. Blade & Soul was released in Western territories in January 19, 2016. A Japanese animated television adaptation aired on April 3, 2014 on TBS and other stations then finished on June 26...