Plot: Special Force is an online free-to-play first-person shooter developed by the South Korean game developer Dragonfly. Dragonfly continues to expand the game around the world and plans to expand into the Middle Eastern, Indian, and Russian markets. The Indonesian version of the game was discontinued...
Plot: Special Force 2: Tale of the Truthful Pledge is a computer game based on the 2006 Lebanon War between Hezbollah and Israel, produced by the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah. The game is a follow-up to Special Force, a game released by Hezbollah in 2003. Wikipedia
Plot: Cube 2: Sauerbraten is a cross-platform, Quake-like first-person shooter that runs on Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Mac OS X using OpenGL and SDL. The game features single-player and multiplayer gameplay and contains an in-game level editor. Wikipedia
Plot: District 187: Sin Streets was a first-person shooter video game developed by Netmarble, a subsidiary of CJ Corporation. An online multiplayer, the game pits SWAT teams and gangsters against each other in urban combat. Wikipedia
Plot: Renegade X is a tactical first and third-person shooter video game with real time strategy elements created by Totem Arts. It is a free, fan-made remake of Command & Conquer: Renegade, which itself was a spin-off of the strategy series Command & Conquer published by Westwood Studios and later by Electronic...
Plot: Dirty Bomb, formerly known as Extraction, is a free to play first-person shooter multiplayer video game. It was developed by Splash Damage and initially published by Nexon America for Microsoft Windows, and open beta version was released in June 2015. Wikipedia
Plot: Titan Siege is a free to play massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Chengdu Storm Totem Studio, a subsidiary of BL Tech, and published by Gamesco. The game is set in a fantasy version of the ancient civilizations of Northern Europe, Greece, and Egypt. Wikipedia
Plot: Blacklight: Retribution is a free-to-play cyberpunk-themed first-person shooter video game developed and published by Hardsuit Labs for Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 4. It was initially published by Perfect World Entertainment on April 3, 2012, with a full Steam release on July 2, 2012. Wikipedia...