Plot: Simon the Sorcerer II: The Lion, the Wizard and the Wardrobe is an adventure game created by Adventure Soft released in 1995. It is the second in the Simon the Sorcerer series of games. Wikipedia
Plot: Simon the Sorcerer 4: Chaos Happens is an adventure game developed by Silver Style Entertainment. It was released by RTL Enterprises on February 2007 for Microsoft Windows. Wikipedia
Plot: Simon the Sorcerer 3D, is an adventure game released by Adventure Soft on 13 April 2002 for Microsoft Windows. It is the third game in the Simon the Sorcerer series. As indicated by the title, the game was the first in the series with 3D graphics. Wikipedia
Plot: Simon the Sorcerer is a series of point-and-click adventure games created by British developer Adventure Soft. The series follows the adventures of an unwilling hero of the same name and has a strong fantasy setting similar to Sierra's King's Quest and Westwood's The Legend of Kyrandia series. Wikipedia...
Plot: Flight of the Amazon Queen is a graphical point-and-click adventure game by Interactive Binary Illusions originally released in 1995 for Amiga and MS-DOS, and re-released as freeware in 2004 for use with ScummVM. Wikipedia
Plot: Tormentum Dark Sorrow is a point-and-click adventure game developed and published by OhNoo Studio. The game was released for Microsoft Windows and OS X in March 2015. It was later released for Android and iOS in April 2016. Wikipedia
Plot: The 7th Guest is an interactive movie puzzle adventure game, produced by Trilobyte and originally released by Virgin Interactive Entertainment in April 1993. It is one of the first computer video games to be released only on CD-ROM. Wikipedia