Plot: Harpoon is a series of realistic air and naval computer wargames based upon Larry Bond's miniatures game of the same name. Players can choose between either the Blue or Red side in simulated naval combat situations, which includes local conflicts as well as simulated Cold War confrontations between...
Plot: Silent Service II is a submarine simulation game developed and published by MicroProse for the PC DOS in 1990 and for the Amiga in 1991. The game is a sequel to 1985's Silent Service, also set in the Pacific Ocean during World War II. Wikipedia
Plot: Aces of the Deep is a World War II submarine simulator game developed by Dynamix for MS-DOS in 1994. The game was re-released by Sierra On-Line for Windows in 1995 as Command: Aces of the Deep. Wikipedia
Plot: Multiplayer BattleTech: 3025 is a PC MMORPG developed by Kesmai during the same period as Microsoft's MechWarrior 4: Vengeance. The game occupies the fictional 31st century universe of BattleTech and focuses centrally on the large robotic war machines called BattleMechs and the individuals who pilot...
Plot: Silent Service is a submarine simulator video game designed by Sid Meier and published by MicroProse for various 8-bit home computers in 1985 and for 16-bit systems like the Amiga in 1987. Wikipedia
Plot: Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific is a computer submarine simulation for Windows developed by Ubisoft Bucharest and published by Ubisoft in 2007. It places the player in command of an U.S. Navy submarine during World War II and takes place in the Pacific theater. Wikipedia
Plot: Silent Hunter 5: Battle of the Atlantic is a submarine simulator for Microsoft Windows developed by Ubisoft Bucharest and published by Ubisoft. It is the fifth and latest installment of the Silent Hunter franchise and the successor of Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific. Wikipedia