Plot: Fighting Bujutsu, known in Japan as Fighting Wu-Shu, is an August 1997 3D fighting arcade game developed and published by Konami. It is Konami's second attempt in the 3D fighting game market, after their 1996 Lightning Legend: Daigo no Daibouken, and was released only in arcades. Wikipedia
Plot: Tobe! Polystars is a scrolling shooter arcade video game developed and originally published by Konami on March 1997. It has not received any official port to home consoles after its arcade release. It is the first game that ran on the Konami M2 hardware, which was Konami's version of the Panasonic...
Plot: Dungeon Magic, also known as Light Bringer in Japan and Europe, is a 1994 arcade game by Taito Corporation Japan and is also included in Taito Legends 2. Wikipedia
Plot: IMSA World Championship Racing is an unreleased sports prototype racing video game that was in development and planned to be published by Studio 3DO on a scheduled fall 1997 release date exclusively for the Panasonic M2. Wikipedia
Plot: Galactic Warriors is a 1985 fighting arcade game developed and published by Konami. It is Konami's second fighting game released after their 1985 arcade-hit Yie Ar Kung-Fu. It is also the first fighting game with multiple playable characters with different move sets, as well as the first mecha-based...
Plot: Lightning Legend: Daigo no Daibouken, is a 1996 3D-based fighting game developed by Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo and published by Konami. It is the first 3D-based fighting game created by Konami. It is also a straight-to-console release, without an arcade counterpart. Wikipedia