Plot: EVE Burst Error is a 1995 erotic visual novel adventure game developed by C's Ware. It was written and produced by Hiroyuki Kanno, with chiptune video game music composed by Ryu Umemoto. Wikipedia
Plot: Steins;Gate Elite is a science fiction visual novel and interactive movie video game, part of the Science Adventure series. It was developed by 5pb. for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows and iOS, and was released in 2018 in Japan and in 2019 internationally. Wikipedia...
Plot: Words Worth is a Japanese adult role-playing video game originally released for NEC PC-98 computer systems, and remade for Microsoft Windows. The game's story is linear, with only one story decision near the end, leading to one of five different endings. Wikipedia
Plot: Steins;Gate Elite is a science fiction visual novel and interactive movie video game, part of the Science Adventure series. It was developed by 5pb. for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows and iOS, and was released in 2018 in Japan and in 2019 internationally. Wikipedia...