Plot: Yogurting was an MMORPG developed by NTIX Soft in South Korea and released as open-beta on May 10, 2005, and was also released in Japan on November 24, 2005. Yogurting was an online RPG of modern school life. It took place in Estiva Academy and So-weol Academy and solves the mystery of Endless Vacation...
Plot: Shattered Galaxy is a massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game that was released in 2001 by KRU Interactive., now known as Nexon Inc, after an extensive open beta period. In the US, it was published by Tri Synergy. Wikipedia
Plot: Exteel was a third-person shooter game published by NCSOFT, a Korean game company, and was developed by NCSOFT's E & G Studios. Players controlled giant vehicles called Mechanaughts and fought against the computer, or against other online players, in a variety of gameplay modes. The Mechanaughts were...