Plot: Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI, also known as Sangokushi 11, is the 11th installment in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms grand strategy game series by Koei. The game was released for the PC on March 17, 2006 in Japan. A Traditional Chinese version was released on July 27 in Taiwan. Wikipedia
Plot: Sangokushi Battlefield is Koei's real time strategy game for Windows 98, and the 2nd online Romance of the Three Kingdoms game for the PC platform. The game was simultaneously released in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. Japanese server began operation on August 30, 2002. Wikipedia
Plot: Romance of the Three Kingdoms II is the second in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms series of turn-based strategy games produced by Koei and based on the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Wikipedia
Plot: Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV, also known as Sangokushi 14, is the 14th installment in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms strategy game series by Koei. It was released on January 16, 2020, for the PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Windows in Japan and Taiwan. Wikipedia
Plot: Romance of the Three Kingdoms III: Dragon of Destiny is the third in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms series of turn-based strategy games produced by Koei and based on the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Wikipedia
Plot: Sangokushi V is the 5th installment in Koei's Romance of the Three Kingdoms series. The game was released for MS-DOS, Sega Saturn, PlayStation, PlayStation Portable. Wikipedia
Plot: Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII, also known as Sangokushi 13, is the 13th installment in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms strategy game series by Koei. It was released on January 28, 2016 for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows in Japan. Wikipedia
Plot: Romance of the Three Kingdoms VI: Awakening of the Dragon is the 6th installment in Koei's famous Romance of the Three Kingdoms series. Wikipedia