Plot: Megami Tensei, marketed internationally as Shin Megami Tensei, is a Japanese media franchise created by Kouji Cozy Okada, Kazuma Kaneko, Ginichiro Suzuki, and Kazunari Suzuki. Wikipedia
Plot: Majin Tensei is a series of strategy video games published by Atlus. It is a spin-off from Atlus' Megami Tensei franchise, and began with 1994's Majin Tensei. Since then, four further titles have been released: Majin Tensei II: Spiral Nemesis, Ronde, Majin Tensei: Blind Thinker and Majin Tensei: Blind...
Plot: Grandia is a series of role-playing video games that have been developed by Game Arts throughout the whole series and have been published over the years by Entertainment Software Publishing, Sony Computer Entertainment, Ubisoft, Hudson Soft, Enix, Square Enix and GungHo Online Entertainment. Wikipedia...
Plot: Virtua Fighter is a series of fighting games created by Sega-AM2 and designers Yu Suzuki and Seiichi Ishii. The original Virtua Fighter was released in October 1993 and has received four main sequels and several spin-offs. Wikipedia
Plot: Suikoden is a role-playing video game series originally created by Yoshitaka Murayama. The game series is loosely based on the classical Chinese novel Water Margin, whose title is rendered as Suikoden in Japanese. Wikipedia
Plot: Sega Rally is a series of racing video games published by Sega and developed by several studios including Sega AM3, Sega and Sega Racing Studio. The series released its first title, Sega Rally Championship in 1994. Initially, Sega Rally Championship was exclusive to arcade genre. Wikipedia
Plot: Shadow Hearts is a series of role-playing video games for the PlayStation 2. The Shadow Hearts series was developed by Sacnoth and released by Aruze in Japan and Midway in North America and Europe. However, Shadow Hearts: From the New World was published by XSEED Games in North America and Ghostlight...
Plot: Langrisser is a fantasy tactical role-playing video game series created by Masaya Games. The main development team is Career Soft, first as Team Career within Masaya Games for the first three games and ... Wikipedia
Plot: BlazBlue is a fighting video game series developed and published in Japan by Arc System Works, and later localized in North America by Aksys Games and in Europe by Zen United. An anime adaptation aired in the fall of 2013. The BlazBlue series has sold 1.7 million games as of August 2012. Wikipedia
Plot: Mystery Dungeon is a series of roguelike video games. Most were developed by Chunsoft, and select games were developed by other companies with Chunsoft's permission. Wikipedia
Plot: Tokimeki Memorial is a dating simulation series by Konami. It consists of six main games in addition to many spin-offs. The games are notable in the dating sim genre for being highly nonlinear. Their nickname amongst their fans is the contraction TokiMemo. Wikipedia
Plot: Bomberman is a strategic, maze-based video game franchise originally developed by Hudson Soft and currently owned by Konami. The first game in the series was released in Japan on December 20, 1985 and new games have been published at irregular intervals ever since. Wikipedia
Plot: Xeno is a Japanese science fantasy video game meta series created by Tetsuya Takahashi. The first entry was developed by SquareSoft, and subsequent entries have been developed by Monolith Soft, a company founded by Takahashi after he left Square in 1999. Wikipedia
Plot: Power Instinct, released in Japan as Gōketsuji Ichizoku, is a fighting video game series created by Atlus. The series is known for its absurdist humor. Wikipedia
Plot: Shining is a series of mainly Japanese-language role-playing video games developed by Sega. The first game, Shining in the Darkness, was a first-person dungeon crawler with randomly encountered, turn-based battles. Wikipedia