Plot: Eyeshield 21: DevilBats DevilDays is a Game Boy Advance video game released in 2006 by Nintendo. The series is considered Japan's take on American football, though in this game you don't actually play any football. Rather, this is an adventure game where you go through walls of interactive text.
Plot: Sakura Momoko no Ukiuki Carnival is a video game developed by Indieszero and Nintendo Special Planning & Development and published by Nintendo for the Game Boy Advance. The game was never released outside Japan. Wikipedia
Plot: Guru Logi Champ is a puzzle game by the Japanese developer Compile. The game was released in 2001 for the Game Boy Advance handheld game system. Guru Logi is an abbreviation of Guruguru Logic, guruguru being a Japanese onomatopoeia for a rotating motion. Wikipedia
Plot: Super Chinese I+II Advance is a compilation of remakes of Super Chinese and Super Chinese 2 released in 2004 for the Game Boy Advance. Super Chinese Labyrinth, a puzzle game, is also included. Wikipedia
Plot: Domo-Kun no Fushigi Terebi is a Game Boy Advance video game by Suzak and Nintendo that was released for the Game Boy Advance in 2002. Starring the popular Japanese mascot Domokun, this title featured various mini-games. Six of the games contained within were later remade for DSiWare.
Plot: Koro Koro Puzzle Happy Panechu! is a puzzle video game software developed and published by Nintendo for the Game Boy Advance. It was released only in Japan on March 8, 2002. It is the first Game Boy Advance title that uses a tilt-sensor chip. Wikipedia