Plot: Sensible Soccer, often called Sensi, is a football video game series which was highly popular in the early 1990s and which still retains a cult following. Wikipedia
Plot: Brutal Sports Football is an arcade-style football video game developed by Teque London and originally published by Millennium Interactive for the Commodore Amiga in 1993. It is the first entry in the Brutal Sports Series franchise, which continued with Wild Cup Soccer in 1994, also from the same development...
Plot: Iron Soldier is an open world first-person mecha simulation video game developed by Eclipse Software Design and published by Atari Corporation for the Atari Jaguar in North America and Europe on December ... Wikipedia
Plot: Sensible World of Soccer was designed and developed by Sensible Software as the 1994 sequel to their 1992 game Sensible Soccer which combined a 2D football game with a comprehensive manager mode. Wikipedia
Plot: Ultra Vortek is a fighting game developed by Beyond Games and published by Atari Corporation exclusively for the Atari Jaguar in North America and Europe on September 5, 1995. Wikipedia
Plot: Cybermorph is a shooter video game developed by Attention to Detail and published by Atari Corporation exclusively for the Atari Jaguar first in North America on November 23, 1993, where it was included as the pack-in game for the console when it launched. Wikipedia
Plot: Fever Pitch Soccer, known as Head-On Soccer in North America, is a soccer video game originally developed and published by U.S. Gold for the Sega Genesis in 1995. Wikipedia
Plot: Iron Soldier 2 is an open world first-person mecha simulation video game developed by Eclipse Software Design and published by Telegames for the Atari Jaguar and Atari Jaguar CD on December 30, 1997. It is the sequel to Iron Soldier. Wikipedia