Plot: Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus is the third video game in the Senran Kagura series, and is the sequel to Senran Kagura Burst. The game revolves around three female ninja groups from dueling shinobi schools. Wikipedia
Plot: Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash is a third-person shooting game in the Senran Kagura series, published by Marvelous and developed by Tamsoft. It was released for PlayStation 4 on March 16, 2017 in Japan, and on September 26, 2017 in North America, Europe and Australia. Wikipedia
Plot: Senran Kagura: Bon Appétit! is a rhythm cooking game available for the PlayStation Vita, in which the goal is to win a cooking competition. The game was released on the PlayStation Store on November 11, 2014 for North America, and on November 12, 2014 for Europe. Wikipedia
Plot: Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson is the sequel to Senran Kagura Burst. It is much larger and looks a lot better than the original, and also now features co-op in which several new attacks focus on it.
Plot: The Thousand Noble Musketeers is a Japanese smartphone game developed by Line Games and Marvelous Entertainment, where players collect and fight with various anthropomorphized guns. It was released on Android and iOS devices in March 2018. Wikipedia