Plot: Samurai Warriors 3 is the third installment in the Samurai Warriors series, created by Tecmo Koei and Omega Force. The game was released in Japan on December 3, 2009, in Europe on May 28, 2010, in Australia on June 10, 2010, and in North America on September 28, 2010, for the Wii. Wikipedia
Plot: Samurai Warriors 4, known in Japan as Sengoku Musou 4, is a hack and slash game by Koei Tecmo, and sequel to Samurai Warriors 3. Unlike past Samurai Warriors games, this one only has Japanese voice overs. A reboot of the series titled, Samurai Warriors 5, was announced at a Nintendo Direct on February...
Plot: Samurai Warriors: Chronicles is a hack and slash video game developed by Omega Force and published by Tecmo Koei for the Nintendo 3DS. It was released as a launch title in Japan on February 26, 2011, in Europe on March 25, 2011, in North America on March 27, 2011 and Australia on March 31, 2011. Wikipedia...
Plot: Samurai Warriors is the first title in the series of hack and slash video games created by Koei's Omega Force team based closely around the Sengoku period of Japanese history and it is a sister series of the Dynasty Warriors series, released for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox in 2004. Wikipedia
Plot: Samurai Warriors: Katana is an action video game set in feudal Japan and is based upon the Samurai Warriors series by Koei and Omega Force, a spin-off of the Dynasty Warriors series. The game was revealed for the Wii at Nintendo's pre-E3 conference under the name Sengoku Action. Wikipedia