Plot: Sengoku BASARA Samurai Heroes, known in Japan as Sengoku BASARA 3, is a 2010 hack and slash, action video game developed and published by Capcom. It is the third major installment in the Sengoku BASARA game series and the second game in the series to be released worldwide. Wikipedia
Plot: Sengoku BASARA 4 is the fourth main installment of the Sengoku BASARA video game series, developed and published by Capcom for the PlayStation 3. The game was released in Japan on January 23, 2014. Wikipedia
Plot: Devil Kings, known in Japan as Sengoku Basara, is a 2005 video game for the PlayStation 2, developed and published by Capcom. It is the first installment in the Sengoku Basara franchise. The original game's theme song is Crosswise by T.M.Revolution. Wikipedia
Plot: Harvest Moon: Animal Parade is a farming simulation role-playing game by Marvelous Entertainment released for Nintendo's Wii console. It is the second title for the Wii in the series, and has the same characters as Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility. Wikipedia