Plot: Super Monkey Ball is a series of arcade platform video games initially developed by Amusement Vision and published by Sega. The game debuted in Japan in 2001 as an upright arcade cabinet called Monkey Ball which featured a banana-shaped joystick. Later that year, it was released as a GameCube game....
Plot: Super Monkey Ball is a series of arcade platform video games initially developed by Amusement Vision and published by Sega. The game debuted in Japan in 2001 as an upright arcade cabinet called Monkey Ball which featured a banana-shaped joystick. Later that year, it was released as a GameCube game....
Plot: Team Sonic Racing is a 2019 kart racing game and a spin-off from Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog series. Controlling one of 15 characters from the series' cast, players compete in races using sports cars. They view gameplay from a third-person perspective while performing tricks, drifting, and collecting...
Plot: Sonic Forces is a 2017 platform game developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega. Produced in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, it was released for Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in November 2017. Wikipedia
Plot: Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 is a 2019 sports video game based on the 2020 Summer Olympics. It is the sixth game in the Mario & Sonic series, a crossover between Nintendo's Super Mario and Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog franchises, and the first since the Rio 2016 Olympic Games edition....
Plot: Sonic Mania is a 2017 platform game published by Sega for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows. Produced in commemoration of the Sonic the Hedgehog series' 25th anniversary, Sonic Mania homages the original Sega Genesis Sonic games, featuring speedy side-scrolling gameplay. Wikipedia...
Plot: Sonic Classic Collection is a compilation game for the Nintendo DS developed by The Creative Assembly and published by Sega, and is the eighth compilation in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It was released on March 2010 for all countries.
Plot: Sega Mega Drive Classics is a video game compilation developed by 3DT Limited and Sega, and published by Sega. It was released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on May 29, 2018, and Nintendo Switch on December 7, 2018.
Plot: Sonic R is a 1997 racing game developed by Traveller's Tales and Sonic Team for the Sega Saturn. It is the third racing game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series, and the first to feature 3D computer graphics. Wikipedia