Plot: R-Tuned: Ultimate Street Racing is an arcade racing game released by Sega on 23 October 2008 in Asia and North America, and on 17 April 2009 in Europe. The game focuses on the import scene and illegal street racing. The game runs on the Sega Lindbergh platform, and uses Virtua Fighter 5's character...
Plot: Sega Race TV is a racing game for the Sega Lindbergh arcade system board. It was released on February 19, 2008 in Japan, July 4, 2008 in the US and on March 13, 2009 in Europe. Wikipedia
Plot: Let's Go Jungle!: Lost on the Island of Spice is a joystick-mounted gun arcade game by Sega. The game was released on June 27, 2006. Players take the roles of Ben and Norah stranded on a jungle island which has been overrun by monsters. Wikipedia
Plot: After Burner: Climax is a combat flight video game developed and published by Sega. The game is a part of the After Burner series, and was first released in arcades in 2006 and was later ported to Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network in April 2010. Wikipedia