Plot: Golden Nugget Casino DS is a 2005 video game developed by American studio Skyworks Interactive and released by Majesco Entertainment for the Nintendo DS. The game, named for the Las Vegas casino of the same name, is the first Golden Nugget themed game released for the DS. Wikipedia
Plot: Konductra is a puzzle game for the Nintendo DS published by O~3 Entertainment. The game had an interesting development cycle, with IGN revealing the title on November 23, 2005. At the time independent developer oeFun had started work without having a publisher lined up. Wikipedia
Plot: Blades of Thunder 2, also sold as Battle Hawks 2, is a flight simulator game developed by Interactive Visison A/S's Polish studio and published by Summitsoft Entertainment for the Nintendo DS. It was released on April 18, 2006 in North America. Wikipedia
Plot: Zendoku is a 2007 puzzle video game developed by Zoonami and published by Eidos Interactive for the Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable handheld consoles. Wikipedia
Plot: ATV: Quad Frenzy is a 2005 racing video game developed for the Nintendo DS by Skyworks Technologies and published by Majesco Entertainment. It was released for the Nintendo DS handheld games console on November 14, 2005 in North America, on June 16, 2006 in Europe and on October 25, 2007 in Australia...
Plot: Meteos is a tile-matching video game developed by Q Entertainment and published by Bandai for the Nintendo DS. The game was released worldwide in 2005; it was produced by Q Entertainment founder Tetsuya Mizuguchi and designed by Masahiro Sakurai. Wikipedia
Plot: True Swing Golf is a golf video game by long-time golf game creators T&E Soft, published by Nintendo and released for the Nintendo DS handheld video game system. Wikipedia