Plot: Paper Beast is a 2020 virtual reality adventure game developed and published by Pixel Reef for PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Windows. The game was created by Γric Chahi, who previously worked on Another World. In the game, players are tasked to navigate a world inhabited by various digital lifeforms...
Plot: 1-2-Switch is a party game developed and published by Nintendo as a launch title for the Nintendo Switch, which was released worldwide on March 3, 2017. The game extensively uses the system's Joy-Con controllers, with players facing each other performing various minigames. Wikipedia
Plot: Jewel Quest is a tile-matching puzzle video game created and published by iWin. First released for Windows, it has been redeveloped for Symbian S60, the Nintendo DS, the Xbox 360's Xbox Live Arcade and other platforms. iWin also released a series of sequels and spin-off games. Wikipedia
Plot: Dota Underlords is an auto battler game developed and published by Valve. The game is based on a popular Dota 2 community created game mode called Dota Auto Chess, which was released in January 2019. Wikipedia