Plot: Silent Assault is an unlicensed game created for the NES by Joy Van and published by Color Dreams. Players control the only human who was unaffected by an alien power, as the Earth's military forces are under control from the deadly alien force. Wikipedia
Plot: King Neptune's Adventure is an unlicensed adventure game created for the Nintendo Entertainment System by Color Dreams. Players play as King Neptune, as they venture though ships, oceans and Atlantis. Wikipedia
Plot: Operation Secret Storm is an action-oriented NES game where players control a secret agent named George B. as he fights the Iraqi army. The player fights a lot of Arabs as he gets deeper and deeper into Iraq. Wikipedia
Plot: Moon Patrol is an arcade game by Irem released in 1982. It was licensed to Williams for distribution in North America. Moon Patrol is often credited with the introduction of parallax scrolling in side-scrolling video games. Wikipedia
Plot: Pesterminator: The Western Exterminator is a side-scrolling, platform advergame developed by Color Dreams for the Nintendo Entertainment System, in cooperation with the Western Exterminator Company. Color Dreams published the game in 1990. Wikipedia
Plot: Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu, is a platform video game released in Asia for the NES by Joy Van in 1989, and was published in the same year by Color Dreams for the North American release. Wikipedia
Plot: Menace Beach is a video game that was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System by Color Dreams in 1990. Like all Color Dreams games, Menace Beach was not officially licensed by Nintendo. It was also re-released as part of the Maxivision 15-in-1 multicart. Wikipedia
Plot: Castle of Deceit is a side-scrolling game for the NES released on 1990 by Bunch Games, where the player takes control of a wizard trapped in the titular castle with only one spell to defend himself. Wikipedia
Plot: Metal Fighter is a side-scrolling shooter game developed in Asia by Joy Van and published by Color Dreams and Sachen. It was later published as Metal Fighter μ in Japan by Kinema Music in 1991. Wikipedia
Plot: Robodemons is an action video game with shooting elements that was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System by Color Dreams on December 20, 1989. Like all Color Dreams games, Robodemons was not officially licensed by Nintendo. Wikipedia
Plot: Sunday Funday: The Ride is a Christian video game that was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System by Wisdom Tree, formerly a subsidiary label of Color Dreams, in 1995. The game was the last to be released by any company for the American NES.
Plot: Bible Buffet is an unlicensed game created by Wisdom Tree for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It is a single player or multiplayer game. The primary goal is to stop the oil drums and the silverware whose goal is to kill the player.