Plot: Pet in TV, known in Japan as Ganbare Morikawakun 2Gou, is a pet-raising simulation developed and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. The game was released in Japan in May 1997, and later in Europe in August 1998. Wikipedia
Plot: Carnage Heart is a video game for the PlayStation, developed by Artdink. Its gameplay is a mecha-based, turn-based strategy game, where the player takes the role of a commander in a war fought by robots. Wikipedia
Plot: Little Princess: Marl Ōkoku no Ningyō Hime 2 is a role-playing video game developed and published by Nippon Ichi Software for the PlayStation. Wikipedia
Plot: Silent Bomber is a 1999 arcade style action video game for the PlayStation, and the second game developed by CyberConnect. Silent Bomber is based on the classic top down shoot 'em up genre but with a twist: Instead of shooting the enemy, the player blows them up using bombs. Wikipedia
Plot: RayCrisis is a 1998 vertical-scrolling shooter arcade game developed and published by Taito. A PlayStation home release was published in 2000. It is the third in the Ray series of games, serving as a prequel to RayForce. Wikipedia
Plot: Armored Core: Project Phantasma is a 1997 third-person shooter mecha video game developed by FromSoftware for the PlayStation. Project Phantasma is the second entry in the Armored Core series and a direct sequel to the original Armored Core. Wikipedia