Plot: JamLegend was an online, browser-based music video game, similar to Guitar Hero, developed by American studio Foobrew. As of April 29, 2011, JamLegend ceased all of its activity and closed the site. A list of the artists that contributed has been kept on the front page of the website. Wikipedia
Plot: Hero Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game produced by Netgame based on a story written by three generations of Chinese novelists. Hero Online is free to play with cash shop items available, much like The Legend of Ares, Scions of Fate, Silkroad Online and many other MMORPG's....
Plot: Robot Unicorn Attack is an online endless running video game featured on the Adult Swim and Flashline Games website. The game was produced by American studio Spiritonin Media Games and was released on February 4, 2010. Wikipedia
Plot: Guitar Hero is a series of music rhythm game video games first released in 2005, in which players use a guitar-shaped game controller to simulate playing primarily lead, bass guitar, and rhythm guitar across numerous songs. Wikipedia
Plot: Piano Tiles 2 was a music arcade game, created by Hu Wen Zeng. It was published by the Entertainment department of Cheetah Mobile & CJ E&M. The game's aim was to tap the black tiles without making any mistakes. It was published in August 2015 as the sequel of Piano Tiles. Wikipedia