Plot: Daze Before Christmas is a platform video game developed by Norwegian company Funcom for the Mega Drive and published by Sunsoft in 1994 exclusively in Australia. It was ported to the Super NES and released in Europe and Australia. A North American release was cancelled. Wikipedia
Plot: Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman is an action-adventure game developed by UEP Systems and published by Agetec for the PlayStation in 1999. The story is notable for its mix of both eastern and western idiosyncrasy, most notably in the protagonist Zan, who has traits of both a Japanese samurai and a Wild...
Plot: Fila Decathlon is a sports game launched exclusively in Europe for the Game Boy Advance system. It is similar to Track & Field, which was also based on the game of decathlon.
Plot: ESPN Final Round Golf 2002 is a golf video game developed and published by Konami. It was released in North America on August 28, 2001. In Europe it was known as simply ESPN Final Round Golf. Wikipedia