Plot: Sansara Naga is a series of Japan-exclusive video games. The first title was released in 1990 for the Family Computer, four years later Sansara Naga 2 was released for the Super Famicom, and finally in 2001 Sansara Naga 1x2 was released for the Game Boy Advance. The characters were designed by Tamakichi...
Plot: Sansara Naga is a series of Japan-exclusive video games. The first title was released in 1990 for the Family Computer, four years later Sansara Naga 2 was released for the Super Famicom, and finally in 2001 Sansara Naga 1x2 was released for the Game Boy Advance. The characters were designed by Tamakichi...
Plot: Tomato Adventure is a role-playing video game developed by AlphaDream and published by Nintendo for the Game Boy Advance on January 25, 2002 in Japan. Wikipedia
Plot: Magic Sword, fully titled as Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy, is a side-scrolling fantasy arcade game released by Capcom in 1990. The game casts the player as a hero who must fight his way through a mystical tower in order to save the world. Wikipedia
Plot: Mr. Driller is a puzzle video game franchise created by Yasuhito Nagaoka and Hideo Yoshizawa for Namco. The eponymous first game was released in 1999 for arcades and several home consoles, such as the PlayStation. Wikipedia
Plot: Bomberman Kart is a racing game for PlayStation 2 and mobile phones starring the Bomberman characters. It is similar to Mario Kart. The game supports 4 player local multiplayer using the PlayStation 2 Multitap. The first version was released in 2001 in Japan and later 2002 in Europe. Wikipedia
Plot: Magical Vacation is a 2001 role-playing video game developed by Brownie Brown and published by Nintendo for the Game Boy Advance only in Japan on December 7, 2001, and was later re-released in the same region in 2006. Wikipedia
Plot: Yomawari: Night Alone is a survival horror video game created and developed by Nippon Ichi Software for the PlayStation Vita and Steam. The game was released in Japan on October 29, 2015 and in English in October 2016. A sequel, Yomawari: Midnight Shadows was released worldwide on October 24, 2017....