Plot: Samurai Shodown V is the eighth game in SNK's Samurai Shodown/Samurai Spirits series of fighting games. It was one of the last games to be released on the Neo Geo. This title takes place before the first Samurai Shodown. Wikipedia
Plot: Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge is the fourth in SNK's flagship Samurai Shodown series of fighting games. Chronologically, it is the second and final chapter of a story between Samurai Shodown and Samurai Shodown II, with Samurai Shodown III being the first chapter. Wikipedia
Plot: Samurai Shodown III: Blades of Blood was released in the arcades on November 15, 1995. It is the third game in SNK's Samurai Shodown series of fighting games. Wikipedia
Plot: Samurai Shodown Anthology is a game compilation released by SNK Playmore on the Wii, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation Portable. It was re-released as a downloadable game on the PlayStation Store for PSP on October 1, 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Samurai Shodown Anthology is a game compilation released by SNK Playmore on the Wii, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation Portable. It was re-released as a downloadable game on the PlayStation Store for PSP on October 1, 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Samurai Shodown V Special is the ninth entry in SNK's Samurai Shodown/Samurai Spirits series of fighting games. It is an upgraded version of the game Samurai Shodown V and is the last official game for the Neo Geo platform. Wikipedia
Plot: Samurai Spirits Sen is the fourth 3D game in SNK Playmore's Samurai Shodown series of fighting games, and the eleventh overall title in the series. The arcade version was released in most other countries as Samurai Shodown: Edge of Destiny, and Shi Hun: Mingyun zhi Ren in China. Wikipedia
Plot: Shinsetsu Samurai Spirits Bushidō Retsuden is a role-playing video game for SNK's Neo Geo CD system, which retells the events of Samurai Shodown and Samurai Shodown II in greater detail. It was ported to the Sega Saturn and PlayStation, Wikipedia
Plot: Samurai Shodown 64, known as Samurai Spirits in Japan, is a 3D fighting game produced by SNK for its Hyper Neo-Geo 64 system. It was SNK's first 3D fighting game. Wikipedia
Plot: Samurai Shodown 64: Warriors Rage, known as Samurai Spirits 2: Asura Zanmaden in Japan, is a 3D fighting game produced by SNK for its Hyper Neo Geo 64 system. It is the follow-up to the original Samurai Shodown 64 on the same platform. Wikipedia