Plot: Sakura Wars 4: Fall in Love, Maidens is a cross-genre video game developed by Red Company and Overworks and published by Sega for the Dreamcast. The fourth main installment in the Sakura Wars series and the last for Sega home consoles, it was released in March 2002. Wikipedia
Plot: Sakura Wars 2: Thou Shalt Not Die is a cross-genre video game developed by Red Company and Sega, and published by Sega for the Sega Saturn. The second installment in the main Sakura Wars series, it was released in April 1998 and later ported to other systems, including to the Dreamcast in September...
Plot: Sakura Wars V: So Long, My Love is a cross-genre video game developed by Sega and Red Entertainment for the PlayStation 2, with a later port for the Wii developed by Idea Factory. Wikipedia
Plot: Quest: Brian's Journey is a 2000 role-playing video game published in North America by Sunsoft for the Game Boy Color. The game's title screen instead displays the title as Quest RPG: Brian's Journey. Wikipedia
Plot: Sakura Wars 3: Is Paris Burning? is a cross-genre video game developed by Red Company and Overworks and published by Sega for the Dreamcast. The third installment in the Sakura Wars series, it was released in March 2001. Defined by its publisher as a dramatic adventure game, Is Paris Burning? Wikipedia...
Plot: Chee-Chai Alien is a video game developed by Creatures, Inc. and released on the Game Boy Color in Japan on February 27, 2001. It utilizes the Game Boy Color's infrared port and has a built-in rumble feature. It is compatible with the Game Boy Printer. Wikipedia