Plot: Saint Seiya: Sanctuary Battle, known in Japan as Saint Seiya Senki, is a video game for the PlayStation 3, inspired by the characters appearing in Masami Kurumada's Saint Seiya manga and its anime adaptation. The game was released in November 2011 in Japan, followed by a PAL region release in March...
Plot: Saint Seiya: Brave Soldiers is a video game developed by Dimps and Bandai Namco Entertainment featuring the characters and story of Masami Kurumada's Saint Seiya manga. Wikipedia
Plot: Saint Seiya: The Sanctuary, also known as Saint Seiya: Chapter Sanctuary, is a 3D action video game for the PlayStation 2 console based on the Saint Seiya manga series by Masami Kurumada. It was developed by Dimps Corporation and published by Bandai. Wikipedia
Plot: Saint Seiya: Soldiers' Soul is a versus fighting game developed by Dimps and Bandai Namco Entertainment featuring the characters and story of Masami Kurumada's Saint Seiya manga. Wikipedia
Plot: Famicom Jump: Hero Retsuden is a 1988 role-playing video game for the Family Computer published by Bandai. The game commemorates the 20th anniversary of Shueisha's manga anthology Weekly Shōnen Jump. Wikipedia