Plot: Eberouge is a video game developed by Fujitsu and published by Takara on the Sega Saturn and PlayStation in Japan in 1997. It is a dating sim game with similar gameplay and graphical representation to Konami's Tokimeki Memorial. Wikipedia
Plot: The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion, known as Eiyū Densetsu IV Akai Shizuku in Japan is a role-playing game originally developed by Nihon Falcom Corporation. It is the fourth game in The Legend of Heroes series, and the second in the Gagharv Trilogy. It was originally released for the NEC PC...
Plot: Mitsumete Knight is a dating sim game developed by Konami and Red Company and published by Konami. It was released in 1998 for the PlayStation. Wikipedia
Plot: De:vadasy is a 2000 PC video game and anime OVA about a giant human-piloted robot. The series was produced by AIC and animated by Studio Gazelle. Wikipedia