Plot: Runabout is a series of destruction-themed driving games developed by Climax Entertainment. Games in this series have been released on PlayStation, PlayStation 2, Dreamcast and Nintendo 3DS. Runabout's main missions consist of the player driving from point A to point B in order to pick up or deliver...
Plot: Face Racers: Photo Finish from Renegade Kid, is a 3D racing game that can use the Nintendo 3DS to make a photo avatar, the landscape and a turbo boost for your own power-ups. The game has 20 race tracks, and competing players. The avatars have up to one hundred choices in hair, clothing and eyewear...
Plot: Mahjong Cub3d, known in Japan as Shanghai 3D Cube, is a Mahjong-based video game developed and published by Sunsoft, for the Nintendo 3DS. Atlus USA published the title in North America. Wikipedia