Plot: Job Simulator: The 2050 Archives is a virtual reality simulation video game developed and published by Owlchemy Labs for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Oculus Quest in which players participate in comical approximations of real-world jobs. Wikipedia
Plot: I Expect You to Die is a virtual reality action video game developed and published by Schell Games and released in late 2016 for PlayStation 4 and Microsoft Windows. In the game, the player assumes the role of a James Bond-esque spy and is tasked to complete levels. Wikipedia
Plot: Beat Saber is a virtual reality rhythm game developed and published by Beat Games. It takes place in a surrealistic neon environment and features the player slicing blocks representing musical beats with a pair of contrasting-colored sabers. Wikipedia
Plot: Creed: Rise to Glory is a virtual reality boxing video game. It was released in 2018, by Survios. The game is based on the Rocky franchise. The game is compatible with both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift for Windows, the Oculus Quest and with the PSVR for PlayStation 4. Wikipedia
Plot: Space Pirate Trainer is a Virtual Reality first-person shooter developed and produced by I-Illusions. It was one of the earliest wave shooters utilizing the VR game-play environment. The game was released alongside the HTC Vive and featured in VR arcades. Wikipedia