Plot: Reader Rabbit's Interactive Reading Journey is a 1994 video game released on the Windows and Macintosh systems. It is the sixth game in the Reader Rabbit franchise. Designed for ages 4 till 7, the game introduces the new main characters Mat the Mouse and Sam the Lion who accompany Reader. Wikipedia
Plot: Math Rabbit is a 1986 video game that serves as a spin-off to the Reader Rabbit edutainment series. It was made by The Learning Company for DOS and Apple II. A Deluxe version was released in 1993 for DOS, Macintosh, and Windows 3.x. Wikipedia
Plot: Reader Rabbit 2 is a 1991 educational video game, the sequel to Reader Rabbit and the second game in the Reader Rabbit franchise. A facelift was given to the game's prequel to match the graphical fidelity of Reader Rabbit 2. Wikipedia
Plot: Reader Rabbit: 1st Grade is an educational video game, part of the Reader Rabbit series, developed by KnowWare and published by The Learning Company on January 14, 1998. The game was re-released on the Nintendo Wii by Graffiti Entertainment on May 4, 2010. Wikipedia