Plot: Dirt Rally is a racing video game developed and published by Codemasters for Microsoft Windows, and is part of the Dirt franchise. A Steam Early Access version of the game was released on 27 April 2015, and the full version was released on 7 December. Wikipedia
Plot: Tiny Troopers is a top-down squad-based multidirectional shooter developed by Finnish studio Kukouri Mobile Entertainment and published by Chillingo, Iceberg Interactive and Game Troopers. It was released on 24 August 2012 for PC and on 7 June 2012 for iOS. Wikipedia
Plot: Real Racing 3 is a racing game, developed by Firemonkeys Studios and published by Electronic Arts for iOS, Android, Nvidia Shield and BlackBerry 10 devices. Wikipedia
Plot: Colin McRae Rally is a racing video game series developed and published by Codemasters. Started in 1998, the franchise has been a critical and commercial success and is generally acknowledged as a pioneer of realistic rally sports racing games. Wikipedia