Plot: Magic Pengel: The Quest for Color, known as Galacta Meisaku Gekijō Rakugaki Ōkoku in Japan, is a 2002 role-playing video game developed by Garakuda-Studio and Taito for the PlayStation 2, published by Agetec in North America. Studio Ghibli also collaborated with this game, with the musical composition...
Plot: Darius Cozmic Collection is a compilation of various Darius titles. It was released in Japan for the Nintendo Switch on February 28, 2019, and on PlayStation 4 on March 5, 2020. A worldwide release on both platforms followed on June 16, 2020. Wikipedia
Plot: G-Darius is a shoot'em up arcade game, released by Taito in 1997. It is the fourth arcade installment of the Darius series and the first in the series to feature three-dimensional polygonal graphics. Wikipedia