Plot: Railroad Tycoon II is a train and business simulation video game for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, PlayStation and Dreamcast in the Railroad Tycoon series. The Dreamcast version is a Gold Edition with improved graphics and gameplay. Railroad Tycoon II: Gold Edition was ported to Linux by Loki Software...
Plot: Railroad Tycoon is a business simulation game series. There are five versions; the original Railroad Tycoon, Railroad Tycoon Deluxe, Railroad Tycoon II, Railroad Tycoon 3, and Sid Meier's Railroads!. Railroad Tycoon was written by game designer Sid Meier and published by MicroProse. Wikipedia
Plot: Sid Meier's Railroads! is a business simulation game developed by Firaxis Games on the Gamebryo game engine that was released in October 2006 and is the sequel to Railroad Tycoon 3. Although Sid Meier created the original Railroad Tycoon, subsequent versions were developed by PopTop Software. Wikipedia...