Plot: Rabbit Transit is a video game made for the Atari 2600 with the Starpath Supercharger add-on. It was published by Starpath in 1983. A prototype of an Atari-branded cartridge version exists, not requiring the Supercharger. Wikipedia
Plot: Towering Inferno is an Atari 2600 game designed by Jeff Corsiglia and programmed by Paul Allen Newell and released by US Games in 1982. The player controls a fireman going through a burning skyscraper to save victims and put out the fires. Wikipedia
Plot: Gopher is an Atari 2600 game written by Sylvia Day and published by U.S. Games in 1982. The player controls a shovel-wielding farmer who protects a crop of three carrots from a gopher. Wikipedia
Plot: Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes is a video game for the Atari 2600 written by John Russell, and published by Fox Video Games, Inc. in 1983. Upon its release in 1983, the game cost roughly $30. Wikipedia