Plot: Sports Champions 2 is a 2012 sports video game developed by San Diego Studio and Zindagi Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3, which utilizes PlayStation Move. It is the sequel to Sports Champions. New functions include boxing, golf, bowling, skiing, and tennis. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Fight: Lights Out is a 2010 action fighting video game developed by ColdWood Interactive and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 3. It utilizes the PlayStation Move controllers. It was unveiled at the 2010 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco and was released in...
Plot: Kung Fu Rider, previously known as Slider, is an action video game for the PlayStation 3. The game is developed by Japan Studio and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for use with the PlayStation Move controller. It was officially unveiled at the 2010 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco...
Plot: Medieval Moves: Deadmund's Quest is a 2011 action adventure video game developed by San Diego Studio and Zindagi Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment on November 15, 2011 in North America and November 18, 2011 in Europe for PlayStation 3, which utilizes PlayStation Move. Wikipedia
Plot: Sports Champions is a 2010 sports video game developed by San Diego Studio and Zindagi Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3, which utilizes PlayStation Move. It was officially unveiled at the 2010 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco. Wikipedia
Plot: Get Fit with Mel B is a video game developed by UK developer Lightning Fish. It was the first game to make use of the Xbox 360's Kinect and the Sony PlayStation 3's PlayStation Move. It also appeared on the Wii. The game is licensed by Fitness First. Wikipedia
Plot: PlayStation Move Heroes, known in Japan as Gachinko Heroes, is a 2011 action-adventure video game developed by Nihilistic Software and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 3 video game console utilizing the PlayStation Move. Wikipedia
Plot: Grease Dance is a 2011 rhythm dance game developed by Zoë Mode and published by 505 Games for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Based on the 1978 film Grease, the game requires either PlayStation Move or Xbox Kinect. The game also includes 20 songs, 15 of which are from the original movie. Wikipedia