Plot: RF Online, originally named 'Rising Force', is a 3D MMORPG developed by CCR. The first version of the game was released in South Korea and was later followed by Chinese, Japanese, Indonesia, Portuguese and English translations. Wikipedia
Plot: Crowfall is an upcoming massively multiplayer online role-playing game-massively multiplayer online real-time strategy game developed by ArtCraft, described as a Throne War Simulator. Its Kickstarter campaign ended March 26, 2015 with a total funding of $1,766,205, surpassing its original $800,000...
Plot: Aion: The Tower of Eternity is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released by NCSOFT. The game combines PvP and PvE in a fantasy game environment. As of May 20, 2009, Aion had 3.5 million subscribers in Asia. Wikipedia
Plot: Point Blank, known as Gun Bullet, or Gunvari in Japan, is a series of light gun shooter games developed by Namco for the arcade, PlayStation and Nintendo DS; the trilogy was first released in arcade in 1994 and was later ported onto the PlayStation. Wikipedia
Plot: Blade & Soul is a Korean fantasy martial-arts massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by NCSOFT. Blade & Soul was released in Western territories in January 19, 2016. A Japanese animated television adaptation aired on April 3, 2014 on TBS and other stations then finished on June 26...
Plot: Lineage II is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game for Microsoft Windows and the second game in the Lineage series. It is a prequel to Lineage and is set 150 years before the firstgame. Wikipedia
Plot: Shot Online is a massive multiplayer online golf video game which also features character development and MMORPG elements. It is developed by the Seoul-based game developer WebzenOnNet Co. Ltd., and published by Webzen under their game portal website, GamesCampus. Wikipedia
Plot: Blade & Soul is a Korean fantasy martial-arts massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by NCSOFT. Blade & Soul was released in Western territories in January 19, 2016. A Japanese animated television adaptation aired on April 3, 2014 on TBS and other stations then finished on June 26...
Plot: TERA, also known as TERA Online, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Bluehole Studio. The game was released in South Korea on 25 January 2011, in North America on 1 May 2012, and in Europe on 3 May 2012, with closed and open beta tests taking place before the launch dates...
Plot: ArchLord was a 3D fantasy MMORPG developed by NHN Corporation and Codemasters Online Gaming. The game was released in March 2005 in South Korea and October 2006 in North America and Europe, receiving poor reviews from the gaming press. Wikipedia
Plot: Ragnarok Online is a massive multiplayer online role-playing game created by Gravity based on the manhwa Ragnarok by Lee Myung-jin. It was released in South Korea on 31 August 2002 for Microsoft Windows. Wikipedia