Plot: A Bird Story is an adventure role-playing video game developed and published by Freebird Games. It was released in November 2014 for Microsoft Windows, OS X, and Linux as a minisode connecting the previous game by Freebird Games, To the Moon, with its sequel, Finding Paradise. Wikipedia
Plot: Finding Paradise is an adventure game developed and published by Freebird Games. Serving as a sequel to To the Moon and A Bird Story, the story continues with doctors Eva Rosalene and Neil Watts as they help to fulfill a wish for Colin Reeds, who is now a bedridden old man. Wikipedia
Plot: To the Moon is an adventure game developed and published by Freebird Games. It was originally released for Microsoft Windows in November 2011, with ports later being released for Mac OS X, Linux, Android, iOS and Nintendo Switch. Wikipedia
Plot: The Witch's House is a freeware puzzle-oriented horror game by the Japanese game creator Fummy, created using the software, RPG Maker VX. The game was first released in October 2012, for Windows and Mac. Wikipedia
Plot: Yume Nikki is a surreal adventure game by pseudonymous Japanese developer Kikiyama. In the game, players explore the dreams of the protagonist, named Madotsuki, where they encounter a number of surrealistic horror creatures and locations. Wikipedia