Plot: Princess Maker 5 is the fifth game from the main Princess Maker series originally released for Microsoft Windows in 2007. A PlayStation 2 versions of the game followed in 2008. That version includes various Gainax references, such as the use of Neon Genesis Evangelion and Gurren Lagann costumes. Wikipedia...
Plot: Princess Maker 2 is the second installment in the Princess Maker series of life simulation games developed by the Japanese company Gainax. It has been translated into English, Korean, and Chinese. In this fantasy game, the player takes role of a war hero who raises a girl to the age of 18. Wikipedia...
Plot: Princess Maker is a series of life simulation bishΕjo games by the video game and anime production company Gainax. The first Princess Maker, while popular enough to be translated into Chinese, was never released in the United States. Wikipedia
Plot: Long Live the Queen is a visual novel role-playing video game developed by Hanako Games and Spiky Caterpillar, published by Hanako Games. The story of the game follows a young princess who is training to become queen after the death of her mother. Wikipedia