Plot: Power Rangers Time Force is a video game based on the 9th season of the TV series, Power Rangers Time Force released in 2001 and published by THQ. The game was released for the PlayStation, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, and PC. Wikipedia
Plot: Power Rangers Zeo: Battle Racers is a Super NES racing video game released in September 1996 by Bandai. The game was based on the Zeo generation of Power Rangers. It features Mode 7 graphics. The game allows for two-player or single-player split screen racing or battle mode. Wikipedia
Plot: Power Rangers: Legacy Wars is a fighting video game based on the 2017 film Power Rangers, created by San Francisco-based game developer nWay with characters from the movie and the TV show. The game was featured on Amazon, Apple's AppStore and Google Play Store. The game has been downloaded more than...
Plot: Power Rangers: Super Legends is an action-adventure video game based on the television franchise Power Rangers. It was released on October 23, 2007 for the Nintendo DS and on November 6, 2007 for the PlayStation 2 and for Microsoft Windows. Wikipedia
Plot: Power Rangers Ninja Storm is a side scrolling fighting game, based on the Power Rangers Ninja Storm TV show. The game uses passwords to track progress. Wikipedia