Plot: Utatchi is a rhythm video game developed and published by Konami for the Nintendo DS handheld game console in 2010, and it was released only in Japan. It is credited as a release under the Pop'n Music brand. The game plays with the DS held book style and the player interacts with falling notes using...
Plot: Pop'n Music, commonly abbreviated as Pop'n, PM or PNM and stylized as pop'n music, is a music video game series in the Bemani series made by Konami. The games are known for their bright colors, upbeat songs, and cute cartoon character graphics. Wikipedia
Plot: Pop'n Music 9 was first released in 2002 in the arcade, considered a Second Generation Pop'n Music game. It was released on PlayStation 2. Introduced in this game is Osusume Mode. Which allows players to answers a series of questions, then based on the answers they give the player an expert course...