Plot: Densetsu no Stafy 4 is a platform video game developed by Tose and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS. It is the fourth game in The Legendary Starfy series. As with the other games in the series, Densetsu no Stafy 4 features Stafy, known as Starfy in Western regions, as the main character. Wikipedia...
Plot: The Penguins of Madagascar is a game developed by Griptonite Games and released on Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi on November 2, 2010. It is a spin-off to the animated TV series The Penguins of Madagascar and is unrelated to tie-in games to the 2014 DreamWorks film Penguins of Madagascar. Wikipedia
Plot: Frozen: Olaf's Quest is a platform video game developed by 1st Playable Productions and published by GameMill Entertainment. It was first released for Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS in North America on November 12, 2013, in Europe on December 6, 2013, in Australia on January 18, 2014, and in Japan on...
Plot: Wizards of Waverly Place is a video game published by Disney Interactive Studios for the Nintendo DS. It was released on August 25, 2009 in America, on August 28, 2009 in Europe and in Australia on September 21, 2009. Wikipedia
Plot: Finding Nemo is an action-adventure video game based on the 2003 film of the same name by Disney and Pixar. It was also the last Pixar game developed by Traveller's Tales until Lego The Incredibles in 2018. Wikipedia