Plot: Brain Assist or Touch de Uno DS is a puzzle video game released for the Nintendo DS in Japan, North America, and the PAL regions. Studies in the 1960s demonstrated the lateralization of brain function. Wikipedia
Plot: Mind Quiz, also known as Mind Quiz: Exercise Your Brain or Mind Quiz: Your Brain Coach, is a mental training game for the Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable. It is similar to Nintendo's Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! Wikipedia
Plot: Professor Brainium's Games is an educational video game by Polish developer Frontline Studios released exclusively for the Nintendo DS in 2008. The purpose of the game is to inform the player by providing various puzzles, which they must complete to progress further. Wikipedia
Plot: Prism: Light the Way is a two-dimensional puzzle video game by British company Morpheme Game Studios. In the game, the player, with the help of Bulboids that emit light beams, must direct the correct color of light into the Glowbos. Wikipedia
Plot: Rubik's Puzzle World, known as Rubik's World in North America, is a puzzle video game for the Wii and Nintendo DS platforms developed by Two Tribes and published by The Game Factory. The videogame features the famous Rubik's Cube, originally designed by the Hungarian inventor ErnΕ Rubik. Wikipedia