Plot: 7'scarlet is an otome visual novel video game developed by Otomate and Toybox Inc. It was released for the PlayStation Vita by Idea Factory in 2016 in Japan and by Aksys Games in 2018 in North America and Europe. Wikipedia
Plot: Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly and Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk are two otome visual novel video games developed by Otomate. They were published for PlayStation Vita by Idea Factory in Japan in 2015 and 2016, and by Aksys Games in North America and Europe in 2018. Wikipedia
Plot: Sweet Fuse: At Your Side, released in Japan as Bomb Decision, is an otome game visual novel for the PlayStation Portable. The game can also be played on the PlayStation Vita by being downloaded from the PlayStation Store. It was released in the PAL region and North America in August 2013 by Aksys Games...
Plot: Amnesia is a Japanese visual novel series by Idea Factory. It was first released on August 18, 2011, for PlayStation Portable, and then a fan disc in Japan, Amnesia Later, was released on March 15, 2012. Another sequel titled Amnesia Crowd was released on April 18, 2013. Wikipedia